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glossary for RESOLVE DR4 searchable online database

RESOLVE DR4 includes parameters from previous data releases by crossmatch unless obsolete or superseded. Users may refer to RESOLVE DR1-DR3 for the original data. Please note that there have been changes to survey membership. Additionally, Hutchens et al. (2023) rejected some photometry from calculations. These magnitudes are reported as -999 in the main data table, but the full photometry can be accessed with this CSV file. The rejected photometry can also be accessed in the RESOLVE DR4 table on our Data page.

parameter unit description
2hmag mag Apparent 2MASS H-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
2jmag mag Apparent 2MASS J-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
2kmag mag Apparent 2MASS K-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
absrmag mag Absolute SDSS r-band magnitude (foreground extinction included)
absrmagcorr mag absolute r-band magnitude including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
absrmage16 --- absolute r-band magnitude from E16
b_a --- axial ratio b/a
confused --- 1/0 flag indicating HI measurement is confused
cz km/s Local group corrected velocity of galaxy
czhel km/s Heliocentric recession velocity of galaxy
dedeg deg Declination of photometric center in decimal degrees
dist2d_nn1 Mpc projected distance to 1st nearest neighbor. Candidate neighbors are limited to abs(Vgal-Vneighbor) = 500 km/s, where we have used the local group corrected velocities to define galaxy redshift (same as nndist_proj in RESOLVE DR3 database).
dist2d_nn2 Mpc projected distance to 2nd nearest neighbor. Candidate neighbors are limited to abs(Vgal-Vneighbor) = 500 km/s, where we have used the local group corrected velocities to define galaxy redshift
dist2d_nn3 Mpc projected distance to 3rd nearest neighbor. Candidate neighbors are limited to abs(Vgal-Vneighbor) = 500 km/s, where we have used the local group corrected velocities to define galaxy redshift
e_2hmag mag Error in 2Hmag
e_2jmag mag Error in 2Jmag
e_2kmag mag Error in 2Kmag
e_gmag mag Error in gmag
e_imag mag Error in imag
e_nuvmag mag Error in NUVmag
e_rmag mag Error in rmag
e_uhmag mag Error in UHmag
e_ukmag mag Error in UKmag
e_umag mag Error in umag
e_uvm2mag mag Error in uvm2mag
e_uymag mag Error in UYmag
e_zmag mag Error in zmag
econame --- name of matched galaxy in ECO catalog
emhidet Msun Error on HI masses from 21cm detections; 0 if galaxy is upper limit
extfuv mag Foreground extinction in FUV band
extg mag Foreground extinction in r band
exth mag Foreground extinction in H band
exti mag Foreground extinction in i band
extj mag Foreground extinction in J band
extk mag Foreground extinction in K band
extnuv mag Foreground extinction in NUV band
extr mag Foreground extinction in r band
extu mag Foreground extinction in u band
extuvm2 mag Foreground extinction in uvm2 band
exty mag Foreground extinction in Y band
extz mag Foreground extinction in z band
f_a --- 1/0 flag for objects in RESOLVE-A “spring” sub volume (RA = 8.75-15.75hr)
f_b --- 1/0 flag for objects in RESOLVE-B “fall” sub volume (RA = 22-3hr)
foffc --- FoF central galaxy flag (1 for most luminous group member in r band)
fofgrp --- FoF group identifier from H23
fofgrpabsrmag mag FoF group-integrated absolute r-band magnitude (giants & dwarfs)
fofgrpcz km/s FoF group center cz
fofgrpdedeg deg FoF group center Declination J2000
fofgrpmhi log(Msun) FoF log group-integrated HI mass from H23
fofgrpn --- Number of galaxies in FoF group
fofgrpradeg deg FoF group center RA J2000
foflogmh200 log(Msun) FoF log group halo mass (200b)
foflogmhvir log(Msun) FoF log group halo mass (337b)
fofskycutoffflag --- 1 if galaxy's group has members both in RESOLVE-A and in larger non-RESOLVE-A portion of ECO (0 for RESOLVE-B galaxies)
g3fc --- G3 central galaxy flag (1 for most luminous group member in r band)
g3grp --- G3 group identifer
g3grpabsrmag mag G3 group-integrated absolute r-band magnitude (giants & dwarfs)
g3grpcz km/s G3 group center cz
g3grpdedeg deg G3 group center Declination J2000
g3grpmhi log(Msun) G3 log group-integrated HI mass
g3grpndw --- Number of dwarf galaxies in G3 group
g3grpngi --- Number of giant galaxies in G3 group
g3grpradeg deg G3 group center RA J2000
g3logmh200 log(Msun) G3 log group halo mass (200b)
g3logmhvir log(Msun) G3 log group halo mass (337b)
g3skycutoffflag --- 1 if galaxy's group has members both in RESOLVE-A and in larger non-RESOLVE-A portion of ECO (0 for RESOLVE-B galaxies)
gmag mag Apparent SDSS g-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
hirms Jy RMS noise level measured from a signal-free region of the ALFALFA, GBT or Arecibo spectra.
hitelescope --- telescope used to observe galaxy (AO = Arecibo Observatory, GBT = Green Bank Telescope, ALFALFA = ALFALFA survey, S05 = Springob+05 catalog)
imag mag Apparent SDSS i-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
invole17 --- In-volume flag for E17 groups
involfof --- Group in-volume flag for H23 FoF groups (1 if 3000 < cz_grp < 7000)
involg3 --- Group in-volume flag for G3 groups (1 if 4500 < cz_grp < 7000)
logmgas log(Msun) Log gas mass (1.4*MHI to account for He); this gas mass is the "best" as it combines good HI measurements and PGFs. Follows algorithm described in A.6.2 of H23 (not the E16 algorithm)
logmgastype --- logmgas type flag, see H23 A.6.2 for description of values
logmstar log(Msun) Log stellar mass (consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix). Please refer to badrphot when using this column
loscmvgdist Mpc line-of-sight comoving distance to galaxy
mhidet Msun HI masses from 21cm detections; 0 if galaxy is upper limit or not observed
mhilim Msun 3-sigma upper limit HI masses for 21cm non-detections, see Stark et al. (2016) for details; 0 if galaxy has a 21cm detection or was not observed.
modelabsrmag mag Model absolute r-band magnitude, includes foreground extinction corrections and k-corrections, but not internal extinction corrections.
modelg_i mag SED modeled (g-i) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_icorr mag SED modeled (g-i) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_j mag SED modeled (g-J) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_jcorr mag SED modeled (g-J) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_k mag SED modeled (g-K) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_kcorr mag SED modeled (g-K) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_r mag SED modeled (g-r) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelg_rcorr mag SED modeled (g-r) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_i mag SED modeled (u-i) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_icorr mag SED modeled (u-i) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_j mag SED modeled (u-J) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_jcorr mag SED modeled (u-J) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_k mag SED modeled (u-K) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_kcorr mag SED modeled (u-K) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_r mag SED modeled (u-r) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
modelu_rcorr mag SED modeled (u-r) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicitly included), consistent with photometry updates and SED modeling code described in E15 Erratum and updates in H23 appendix
morphel --- string "E" = early type, "L" = late type for quantitative morphological type (from Moffett+ 2015)
mu_delta log(Msun/kpc^2) stellar surface mass density within R50 minus stellar surface mass density between R50 and R90 (see Kannappan et al. 2013 for details) that corresponds to galaxy morphology, as updated in H23
name --- RESOLVE galaxy identifier
nndist_kd Mpc Distance to nearest neighbor calculated from kd-tree algorithm and suppressing peculiar velocities within groups. From Hood+2018
nuvmag mag Apparent GALEX NUV-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
peaksnhi --- peak S/N of HI profile (S/N > 5-6 is generally a good cutoff for reliable W50)
r50 arcsec The half-light radius in r band
r90 arcsec The 90%-light radius in r band
radeg deg Right Ascension of photometric center in decimal degrees
rmag mag Apparent SDSS r-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
tf_confidence --- Hood_2018 flag for tidal feature detection confidence. 4 = certain, 3 = probable, 2 = possible, 1 = hint, 0 = none. -999 if galaxy was not inspected in this work.
tf_type --- Hood_2018 flag for tidal feature type: 1=narrow, 2=broad. A flag of 0 is given if tf_confidence=0 and -999 means that the galaxy was not inspected in this work.
uhmag mag Apparent UKIDSS H-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
ukmag mag Apparent UKIDSS K-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
umag mag Apparent SDSS u-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
uvm2mag mag Apparent Swift uvm2-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
uymag mag Apparent UKIDSS Y-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
zmag mag Apparent SDSS z-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)