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glossary for RESOLVE DR3 searchable online database

(1)The Eckert et al. (2016, 2017) group catalogs are defined for the luminosity-complete sample defined by the FL_insample flag, so represent the most inclusive group catalog data for RESOLVE. Eckert et al. defined groups both with and without extra false-pair splitting; DR3 includes both, with the group properties involving false-pair splitting designated "E17". To avoid confusion with the stellar- and baryonic-mass limited group catalogs of Stark et al. (2016), also found in this database, DR3 omits the Eckert et al. determinations of group-integrated stellar mass, group-integrated baryonic mass, and halo mass based on group stellar mass. Finally, DR3 includes group assignment data for RESOLVE-B galaxies below the luminosity floor ("associated" to groups after group-finding and halo mass determination; see Eckert et al. 2016).
(2) Hood et al. (2018) tabulated SFRs that are included in DR3, however, we caution that these will be superseded in future work based on improved photometry and the addition of internal extinction corrections.

parameter unit description
name RESOLVE galaxy identifier
RAdeg deg Right Ascension of photometric center in decimal degrees
DEdeg deg Declination of photometric center in decimal degrees
cz km/s Local group corrected velocity of galaxy
Grpcz km/s Velocity of group center, adopted galaxy velocity for survey membership
absrMag mag Absolute SDSS r-band magnitude (foreground extinction included)
umag mag Apparent SDSS u-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_umag mag Error in umag
gmag mag Apparent SDSS g-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_gmag mag Error in gmag
rmag mag Apparent SDSS r-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_rmag mag Error in rmag
imag mag Apparent SDSS i-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_imag mag Error in imag
zmag mag Apparent SDSS z-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_zmag mag Error in zmag
NUVmag mag Apparent GALEX NUV-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_NUVmag mag Error in NUVmag
uvm2mag mag Apparent Swift uvm2-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_uvm2mag mag Error in uvm2mag
2Jmag mag Apparent 2MASS J-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_2Jmag mag Error in 2Jmag
2Hmag mag Apparent 2MASS H-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_2Hmag mag Error in 2Hmag
2Kmag mag Apparent 2MASS K-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_2Kmag mag Error in 2Kmag
UYmag mag Apparent UKIDSS Y-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_UYmag mag Error in UYmag
UHmag mag Apparent UKIDSS H-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_UHmag mag Error in UHmag
UKmag mag Apparent UKIDSS K-band magnitude (provided without foreground extinction corrections)
e_UKmag mag Error in UKmag
b_a axial ratio b/a
R50 arcsec The half-light radius in r band
R90 arcsec The 90%-light radius in r band
dgr mag The (g-r) color gradient
modelu_r mag SED modeled (u-r) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelu_i mag SED modeled (u-i) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelu_j mag SED modeled (u-J) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelu_k mag SED modeled (u-K) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelg_r mag SED modeled (g-r) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelg_i mag SED modeled (g-i) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelg_J mag SED modeled (g-J) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelg_K mag SED modeled (g-K) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelu_rcorr mag SED modeled (u-r) color including internal extinction correction as well as foreground corrections and k-corrections
logMstar log(Msun) Log stellar mass
mu_delta log(Msun/kpc^2) Proxy for galaxy morphology: stellar surface mass density within R50 minus stellar surface mass density between R50 and R90 (see Kannappan et al. 2013 for details)
sfr_H18 Msun/yr Star formation rate of each galaxy calculated from the Galex NUV band using the calibration from Wilkins et al. (2012). Note that no internal extinction correction has been included.
extu mag Foreground extinction in u band
extg mag Foreground extinction in r band
extr mag Foreground extinction in r band
exti mag Foreground extinction in i band
extz mag Foreground extinction in z band
extnuv mag Foreground extinction in NUV band
extuvm2 mag Foreground extinction in uvm2 band
exty mag Foreground extinction in Y band
extj mag Foreground extinction in J band
exth mag Foreground extinction in H band
extk mag Foreground extinction in K band
FL_insample Flag for galaxies brighter than -17.33 (A-semester) or -17.0 (B-semester) within Grpcz boundaries as used in Eckert et al. 2015
hitelescope Telescope used for observation (GBT = Green Bank 100m; AO = Arecibo 300m; ALFALFA = Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey (Arecibo 300m); S05-AO = Springob et al. (2005) catalog (Arecibo 300m); S05-GB300 = Springob et al. (2005) catalog (Green Bank 300ft) )
F21 Jy.km/s Total 21cm flux (use MHI = 2.36x10^5 (D/[Mpc])^2 *(F/[Jy.km/s]) to obtain masses in logMsun)
e_F21 Jy.km/s Uncertainty on total 21cm flux
rms_hi mJy rms noise of spectrum assuming 10 km/s channels
limflagmhi Flag indicating upper limit on F21 (0 = detection; 1=upper limit)
confused Flag indicating 21cm emission likely confused (0 = not confused; 1 = confused)
F21corr Jy.km/s Total 21cm flux after correction for confusion (use MHI = 2.36x10^5 (D/[Mpc])^2 *(F/[Jy.km/s]) to obtain masses in Msun)
e_F21corr_rand Jy.km/s Statistical uncertainty on total 21cm flux after correction for confusion
e_F21corr_sys Jy.km/s Additional systematic uncertainty on total 21cm flux after correction for confusion
deconf_mode Method used to correct 21cm flux for confusion and determine the additional systematic uncertainty (see Section 2.3.2 of Stark et al. (2016))
groupid_s Group dark matter halo mass, stellar-mass limited sample (By definition, all members of a group have the same values for each of the environment metrics.)
groupmass_s [solMass] Group dark matter halo mass, stellar-mass limited sample
groupid_b Group dark matter halo ID, baryonic mass-limited sample (By definition, all members of a group have the same values for each of the environment metrics.)
groupmass_b [solMass] Group dark matter halo mass, baryonic mass-limited sample
dens_s [solMass]/Mpc^2 Large-scale structure density, stellar mass-limited sample groups, uncorrected for edge-effects
dens_corr_s [solMass]/Mpc^2 Large-scale structure density, stellar mass-limited sample groups, corrected for edge-effects
dens_b [solMass]/Mpc^2 Large-scale structure density, baryonic mass-limited sample groups, uncorrected for edge-effects
dens_b_corr [solMass]/Mpc^2 Large-scale structure density, baryonic mass-limited sample groups, uncorrected for edge-effects
dist_s Projected distance to nearest M_h>10^12 halo, stellar mass-limited sample groups (Distances to nearest halo with mass > 10^12 Msun and heliocentric velocity separation <500 km/s are given relative to the virial radius of the nearest Mh>10^12 group, e.g., if a Mh=10^11 Msun halo lies at the virial radius of a Mh=10^12.5 Msun halo, dist_s = 1; Values only calculated for Mh<10^12 Msun groups)
f_dist_s Reliability Flag for dist_s (Flag=1 indicates that the corresponding distance may be unreliable due to proximity to survey boundary.)
dist_b Projected distance to nearest M_h>10^12 halo, baryonic mass-limited sample groups (Distances to nearest halo with mass > 10^12 Msun and heliocentric velocity separation <500 km/s are given relative to the virial radius of the nearest Mh>10^12 group, e.g., if a Mh=10^11 Msun halo lies at the virial radius of a Mh=10^12.5 Msun halo, dist_s = 1; Values only calculated for Mh<10^12 Msun groups)
f_dist_b Reliability Flag for dist_b (Flag=1 indicates that the corresponding distance may be unreliable due to proximity to survey boundary.)
f_s16sample_s Flag to select stellar mass-limited sample from Stark et al. (2016) (1 = in S16 stellar mass-limited sample)
f_s16sample_b Flag to select baryonic mass-limited sample from Stark et al. (2016) (1 = in S16 baryonic mass-limited sample)
Grp Group ID for standard RESOLVE groups using Friends-of-Friends and described in Eckert+2016
Grpradeg deg Right Ascension of group centroid in decimal degrees
Grpdedeg deg Declination of group centroid in decimal degrees
GrpN Number of galaxies in group (for RESOLVE-B Mr < -17.0, RESOLVE-A < -17.33)
GrpNassoc Number of galaxies in group after associating galaxies below the absolute magnitude limit to nearby groups
FC flag designating group central (brightest galaxy in r-band luminosity) 1 if central, 0 if satellite
logMh log(Msun) Group mass from halo abundance matching based on group-integrated r-band luminosity.
Grpsig km/s Velocity dispersion of group using Gapper method. Only provided for groups with N>2 members.
Grprproj Mpc Projected radius of group. Only provided for groups with N>2 members
logMhdyn log(Msun) group halo mass using dynamics. Only provided for groups with N>2 members.
logMhdynstack log(Msun) group halo mass using dynamics from stacked groups. Only provided for groups with N>2 members.
Grp_E17 Group ID for groups from Eckert+2017, which after Friends-of-Friends used a pair splitting recipe, described in the appendix, to break up false pairs
logMh_E17 log(Msun) group halo mass for groups from Eckert+2017 using halo abundance matching based on group integrated r-band luminoisty
logMhdynH_E17 log(Msun) group halo mass for groups from Eckert+2017 using "hybrid" combination of dynamical and abundance matching masses described in Section 2.3.5 of Eckert+2017.
nndist_kd Mpc Distance to nearest neighbor calculated from kd-tree algorithm and suppressing peculiar velocities within groups.
nndist_proj Mpc Distance to nearest neighbor calculated as the projected distance to the nearest neighbor in a cylindrical volume within cz=500 km/s of the main object.
econame Name of matched galaxy in ECO catalog (value is "notineco" for those galaxies not in the ECO catalog)
tf_type Type of tidal feature seen in Hood et al. 2018. 1 = narrow and 2 = broad. This equals 0 if tf_confidence = 0 and -999 if galaxy was not inspected in this work.
tf_confidence Tidal feature detection confidence class. 4 = certain, 3 = probable, 2 = possible, 1 = hint, and 0 = none. -999 if galaxy not inspected in Hood et al. 2018.