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glossary for ECO DR1 searchable online database

parameter unit description
name ECO galaxy identifier
RAdeg deg Right Ascension in decimal degrees
DEdeg deg Declination in decimal degrees
cz km/s Local group corrected velocity of galaxy
absrMag mag Absolute SDSS r-band magnitude (foreground extinction included)
logMstar log(Msun) Log stellar mass
modelu_rcorr mag SED modeled (u-r) color including correction for internal extinction (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
modelu_j mag SED modeled (u-J) color (foreground corrections and k-corrections implicity included)
R50 arcsec The half-light radius in r band
R90 arcsec The 90%-light radius in r band
MorphEL string "E" = early type, "L" = late type
FMorphEL Morphology Source Flag, 1 = quantitative cut from Moffett et al. (2015), 2=by eye from Lintott et al. (2011)
Grp Group identifier
Grpcz km/s Velocity of group center, adopted galaxy velocity for survey membership
FC 1/0 flag for central=1 or satellite=0
logMh log(Msun) Log group halo mass
Den1Mpc normalized environmental density smoothed at 1Mpc scale
FA 1/0 flag for membership in the ECO+ALFALFA sample
FHI code for source of HI measurement, 1=photometric gas estimate, 2=gas measurement from ALFALFA alpha.40 catalog
FG 1/0 flag for for membership in the ECO+GALEX sample
CCr Completeness correction factor due to redshift incompleteness
CCb Completeness correction factor accounting for boundary effects